Why Join a Model Railroad Club?

Why would a person want to be a member of the Ozarks Model Railroad Association?  Are you wanting to get involved in model railroading but don't have space, knowledge, or time to build one?  Club members operate on a large, HO scale railroad under DCC control on a weekly basis.  Looking to gain knowledge of DCC, scenery, or model railroad operating methods?  We can help you learn skills which you are looking for, and you can share your skills with us.  We host seminars on a variety of topics on a generally bi-monthly basis.  Come, learn, and teach.  Above all, we enjoy friendships, and operating a model railroad together.  

Meetings and Visitors
Meetings are held at 7pm on Tuesdays at 424 W. Commercial St, Springfield, MO

Week 1 - Maintenance Night 
Week 2 - Membership Meeting & Seminars
Week 3 - Running Night 
Week 4 - Running Night
Week 5 - Running Night

*Dues paying members can bring in their own equipment to run*


​​​​​Copyright 2024 @ Ozarks Model Railroad Association. All rights reserved.


The OMRA is a 501c3 Non-Profit Charitable Organization and we take donations! Any and all donations help us keep our active model railroad display running. We also gladly accept any model train or railroad collections. Donations are tax deductible.

Interested in leaving a donation? Please reach out to us at omrarailroad@gmail.com, or stop by one of our meeting nights. We also accept donations electronically with the PayPal QR code down below. 

2024 Board of Directors
The Ozark's Model Railroad Associations is governed by a board of directors comprised of four officers and three board members at large. The current board for 2024 is:

President - Isaiah Groves
Vice President - Jonah Hemingway
Secretary - N/A
Treasurer - Ron Shreve
Past President - Kurt Clement

​At Large - Ron Bradshaw

At Large - Scott Overholser

At Large - Bruce Overholser